Planning CGI’s within Site Specific Surrounding Context
Virtual Tours + Home Virtual Reality Experiences
Exterior CGI’s
Interior CGI’s
Marketing Brochures
Home Frontage Design Options
One-off Homes
Residential Developments
Commercial Developments
How we work
At TAG Visuals, our approach is to provide a package of visualisations and animation that best illustrates the architectural project. From our experience, we recommend between 3-5 visualisations of the key internal and external spaces, with a fully rendered animation walkthrough to accompany them.
We are pleased to offer our services at any time during the design stages of a project. Whether there is an existing 3D model, or one needs to be produced from proposed 2D CAD drawings, we can assist.
During an initial project enquiry with us, we would be happy to discuss our process indicated below.
Visualisation Tiers
We offer flexibility with our image production services to assist in the development of architectural proposals, ranging from early concept design massing images to realistic photomontage visuals.
We categorise our services into tiers which best illustrate the 3 types of visualisations we can offer on architectural projects – the working, presentation and showcase visual.